Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)

Curious about how our platform works? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a collection of answers to the questions we hear most often, crafted to help you get the most out of our services. Dive in for some quick insights and tips!

If you still have question, please email us at

1. How do I register and get a free trial?

When you register as a member, you will receive a 3-day free trial and 5 tokens to access all of our core features.

2. What should I do if I run out of tokens?

If you run out of tokens, please contact our sales team, and we will provide options for purchasing more tokens.

3. What is Trademark Analysis Report?

It combines a custom inference model with the power of a Large Language Model (LLM) to deliver comprehensive trademark comparisons. It identifies similar trademarks and assesses potential risks.

4. How do I use Trademark Watch?

Set watch targets using images, text, or concepts. Monitor newly registered or applied trademarks, including those of competitors. It will provide regular notifications of potential risks.

5. Can I store and manage my trademarks or concepts?

Yes, you can either import them manually to Portfolio, or allow the system to access the latest database to import your trademarks automatically.

6. How do I use Patent Disclosure Report?

Simply input a concise concept and the system will automatically generate a disclosure document that meets patent office requirements. The tool helps you organize and submit essential technical details, such as Claims and Diagrams.Simply input a concise concept and the system will automatically generate a disclosure document that meets patent office requirements. The tool helps you organize and submit essential technical details, such as Claims and Diagrams.

7. How secure is my technology disclosure?

Yes, your technology disclosure process is secure. We use edge servers to install and manage the software, ensuring that your data is kept in a controlled and secure environment.

8. Can I export reports from the system?

Yes, you can export reports in PDF or Excel format.

9. How can I see a demo?

Yes, we offer a demo to showcase the key features of our software. Please contact our sales team to schedule a live or online demo.

10. How does AI support the generation of patent disclosure?

By leveraging large language models to understand and generate long texts, capturing subtle nuances and complex language structures, this capability ensures that patent disclosure documents maintain consistency and coherence throughout detailed descriptions.